
Assembly Tuesday 26th January 2021

Join Mrs Lock for an assembly all about taking care.

Gold Book Assembly

25th September 2020

Young Leader Award Celebration

Reverend Tim's Assembly on Responsibility

Today's assembly on responsibility features Ella, the very responsible talking dog!

Food Waste Assembly Pupil Parliament

Health Eating Week Pupil Parliament Wednesday 16th June

The Queen's Official Birthday - Mrs Maxey Assembly - Wednesday 9th June

Maypole Assembly 11th May 2021

Wrap, Splat, Hat Assembly Monday 10th May

A different kind of scientist

Three Important Words - Tuesday 27th April

Monday 19th April 2021

Thankfulness and prayer. Don't forget to share any of your own prayers with your teacher or Mrs Stevens - you can earn your Thankfulness Christian Value Award!

Royal Mail Heroes Stamp Competition - Assembly 21st April

Tuesday 20th April

St. George’s day assembly.

Thursday 15th April - Self-Control and Ramadan- Mrs Maxey

Easter Assembly with Rev. Tim and all the children at ABCA

Enjoy this Easter assembly with parts of the Easter story read by children in years 4, 5 and 6, singing by children in years 2 and 3 and all of KS1 taking part in the Easter bonnet parade. The winners of the Easter Poster competition are also revealed!

Rev. Tim's Mary Magdalene - Courage Collective Worship

Thursday 25th March Assembly

Rev. Tim, Clare and of course, Ella the dog, share a story about a very courageous boy called David.

Tuesday 23rd March Assembly

Assembly - 16.3.21

British Science Week 2021

Tuesday 9th March

Monday 8.3.21

Hopes, dreams and building a future

Science Assembly 'Innovative Futures' Could I be A Scientist? Wed 10th Mar

Sports Achievement Assembly Friday 5th March

World Book Day Assembly

The story of Esther with Reverend Tim Monday 1st March

Learn about the story of brave Esther and Ella the dog will tell you some fascinating facts about the Jewish festival of Purim. You will also be able to follow instructions for making a hamantash, which is a Jewish triangular filled-pocket cookie, usually associated with the Jewish holiday of Purim. The name refers to Haman, the villain you hear about in the story. In Hebrew, hamantashen are known as אוזני המן, oznei Haman, 'Haman's ears.

Engineering Week Assembly - Thursday 25th February 2021

To watch the rest of the video about Isambard Kingdom Brunel, click here:

Inspirational Women in Engineering Mrs Maxey's Assembly

Engineering Collective Worship 23.2.21

Kick-starting engineering week off with the first ever engineer

Respect assembly 22.2.21

Don't Forget To Let Love In! An assembly about self respect.

Reverend Tim's assembly 11.2.21

This assembly from Rev Tim features an exciting story, a fun song to join in with, some craft to enjoy and even a talking dog! Don't forget to send in your pictures of Daniel's lion and bring in your creative version of the memory verse after half term. Also, do visit for more activities.

Monday Collective Worship

Assembly Wednesday 10th February

Chinese New Year

KS1 Safer Internet Day Assembly

Prepared and delivered by our wonderful Pupil Parliament

KS2 Safer Internet Day Assembly

Planned and delivered by our wonderful Pupil Parliament

Gold Book Assembly 5th Feb

Worship 4th Feb

Too Much Selfie Isn’t Healthy

Wednesday 3 February Assembly National Storytelling Week

Wednesday Assembly Prayer

Tuesday January 2nd 2021

Assembly about National Story-telling week . Sadly, the sound quality of this live zoom recording is not so good.

Assembly Monday 1st February

Sports Achievement Assembly Friday 29th January

Wednesday 27th January Assembly

Assembly Monday 25th January

Final Gold Book Assembly of 2020

Gold Book Assembly 26.6.20

Tuesday 16.6.2020 assembly

Children in year 6 and 5 planned today's assembly all about how to be Responsible!

Gold Book Assembly 12.6.20

Monday Assembly 8.6.20

Our key worker children have planned and prepared this morning’s assembly for you all about responsibility!

Gold Book Assembly 22.5.20

Monday assembly 18/5/2020

We have shared so many different things we feel grateful for!

Monday 11 May 2020 Assembly

Some of our children share information about Florence Nightingale, founder of modern nursing, whose 200th birth anniversary is tomorrow. Her relevance today cannot be understated, given the Covid-19 pandemic.Through her career she stressed a practice that is relevant as ever today — handwashing

Gold Book Assembly 7.5.20

We'll Meet Again song tutorial with Mrs Lock

Enjoy this special VE Day song tutorial with Mrs Lock and her family band!

Monday assembly 4.5.20

Golden Book 1.5.20

Assembly funny clip

Wednesday assembly 29.4.20 with Mrs Marshall and guests

Easter Bonnets and Decorated Egg Virtual Parade

As we sadly couldn't visit church for our annual Easter bonnet parade, we have created our very own virtual parade! We hope you enjoy singing along to 'Springtime' whilst admiring the amazing crafts of the entries. Thank you and well done to all of the children who made a bonnet or decorated and egg and sent their photos into us at school - don't they look fantastic!

Monday assembly 27.4.2020

We have 4 special virtual visitors joining us for this morning's assembly!

Gold Book Assembly 24.4.20

Thank you assembly 20.4.2020

There are always things to be grateful for (even now), and gratitude reminds us how special, beautiful and fortunate our lives are, even under these difficult conditions. As we navigate this quarantine and epidemic, can you think of 3 things you are grateful every day? E.G. Gratitude for the NHS who put their own safety at risk to care for others; gratitude for family and friends; gratitude for our homes, our school. Send in your pictures and videos of all you are thankful for and we will share them!

Golden Book Assembly 3.4.2020

We are still together, even if we aren't in the same place! All the teachers are here to celebrate your fantastic work in our virtual Golden Book Celebration Assembly.

Monday 30.3.2020 Assembly

Well done to everyone for doing so well with your home-learning last week. We are celebrating all you have done, along with saying happy birthday to some of you and celebrating the spring time too.